Why You're Learning Poorly + What to Fix!

Learning is more than just getting information. If you want to achieve more, you need specific learning. These 2 shifts will help you learn and achieve success way faster!

Most “Learning” is completely useless!

But… there’s a few simple fixes.

First things first:

Knowledge alone is useless!

Knowledge vs Wisdom:

Knowledge is knowing that there is a typo on the sign.
Wisdom is knowing this version is probably more terrifying to trespassers.

What’s the point, you ask?

Great learning starts with a goal in mind!

Try implementing these things and you’ll learn WAY faster:

Just In Time Learning

Most people use “Just In Case” Learning. This is learning general things or things that the might use “one day” (or not at all). Trivia falls into this category. But this is learning without purpose because you might not need the knowledge at all.

In fact, it’s probably counter-productive, since it cost you time and focus (your 2 most precious resources)!

Implementing This:

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is my highest priority goal right now?

  • What is the most urgent roadblock that needs to be addressed?

  • What skills and actions are required to move ahead?

  • Do I have all the skills required to fix the issue? or
    Can I hire/recruit someone to fix the issue?

If the answer to the 4th question is “No: Apply Just In Time Learning. What this means is that you focus all your effort on learning a skill that will either help you right now. Don’t learn anything new that’s unrelated.

Trying to learn a lot of things at once is like a computer downloading 7196 different files at the same time. It’s definitely possible to do so, but the computer will run slowly.

If the answer is ‘Yes”: Go ahead and put in the work to reach the next stage of your goal. But at the same time ask yourself this: “Once I have overcome [insert roadblock], what skills do I need for the next stage? And do I have those skills already?

With Just In Time Learning, you’re always focused on immediately applicable skills.

For example: 

When you’re broke you’d spend time learning a new skill to get a higher paid job. Once you start earning more, you’d focus your learning on saving effectively. Once you’re saving money, the next skill to learn would be investing.

Project-Based Learning

There is only so much you can learn from theory alone.

Start with setting a goal for yourself and just start (even if you don’t feel ready)!

This gives you two huge benefits:

  1. You’re making progress towards your goals (SCORE!)

  2. You learn by doing (much faster than by theory)

  3. You discover what to learn next

The first two are self explanatory.

The huge benefit of project-based learning is that life will start hitting you in the face. No amount of YouTube videos (or newsletters like these) will ever fully prepare you for failure and setbacks. You only discover the real issues by taking action.

And guess what?

When you discover an unexpected problem, you can have laser-focused learning.

You don’t need to spend a lot of time watching content or reading. What you do is take action until you encounter a problem or you don’t know how to progress further. Then, instead of watching 10 hours of general videos, you find the 15 minute tutorial for the specific issue.

More specific learning.
Higher impact.
Less time consuming.

Sounds like a huge W to me!


Ps. You don’t need to see the entire path ahead of you! Focus on that first (or next) step that you can take right now. And I really mean NOW! Whatever you’re procrastinating on, I challenge you to plunge yourself right into that task.